Sunday, March 30, 2008

does anybody still read this?

if so, make yourself known. maybe comment on this post or something

Yo! Life's rough and then you die. Right?

So we've all heard it. "Life sucks... and then you die" "life's not fair" "the only things you have to do is eat, breathe, pay taxes, and die" "if it seems too good to be true, it is" You see, to me these seem to be self fulfilling prophesies. Ever since the fall of Man, one thing has been consistant throughout human history. This universal constant is a lack of trust, whether its logical or completely unfounded.
Let's just look at the incident itself for a bit. So Eve gave Adam the fruit of knowledge to eat. He, trusting her completely, ate the fruit and was subsequently banished from paradise for disobeying God's only commandment at the time. I'm pretty sure most everyone knows this story. Now understand this, I'm not going to tell you that this means that women are a manipulative and/or evil power on men, Eve's gender in this analysis is completely irrelevant.
*****warning. the rest is just my opinion and is not reported in the Bible******
Now let's take this a little further and think about the next time Eve asked Adam to do something. I don't think for one second that what happened the last time he listened to her didn't come to the forefront of his mind. Now whether or not he performed this action, in his heart i think he did it with trepidation and uncertainty. Wouldn't you, considering the circumstances? I think that this point in time was the death of true intrapersonal trust since Adam was unable to rely on a person that was made of his own flesh.
Now where does this leave us? A worldly form of "trust" does exist. I mean, I "trust" my AGO brothers, so doesn't that disprove everything I just said? Not at all.
Let's look at this trust.
1. It's really hard, it's very difficult to trust someone.
2. It's not in my nature. My natural tendency is to isolate myself. to protect myself from being hurt by people after I make myself vulnerable.
3. Reality. Not only do I realize that there is a possibility or even a strong probability that the people I trust will hurt me. I am absolutely positive that the people that I trust will hurt me, let me down, and/or outright betray me. And it will hurt much more
After thinking about this, it's easy to see why people can't and don't trust each other. In a world full of interactions you can begin to see how this negatively effects almost every aspect of our life. People's relationship with one another is filled with dissapointment and heartbreak. This being all that many people know, it's easy to see how that can be experienced as life sucks and will only lead to heartbreak and misery.
Why this is inaccurate and why we aren't doomed to a life of heartbreak and misery.
Although I've just spent the last period telling you about how humans are unreliable and untrustworthy, there is a TRUE form of trust in my life. This is the trust in God. God is perfect and will always love you. My trust in God is never misplaced because He is always doing the right thing and He never turns His back on me. It may not be fun at times but its always in my best interest.

Then again, I could be completely wrong about all of this, except I'm sure about the last paragraph.

Life less Frightening by Rise Against, Avarice by Disturbed, Faceless by Godsmack, Township Rebel by Rage Against the Machine, F*** the Police by NWA, So Intent by Danney Riley, Her Portrait in Black by Atreyu, The Kids Aren't Alright by Offspring, Walk by Pantera, Born as Ghosts by RATM, Bricks by Rise Against, Hallelujah by Paramore, Lookin for Action by The Damned, Obstructed View by Rise Against.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

No Control

one more title inspired by music. But this one is a little different. In Bullet for my Valentine's song, part of the lyrics are:

I stare into your eyes, I stare into your eyes until

The tears start to pour rivers down your face I can't ignore

It calls out my name, anger takes it's hold

It's hold, But it won't stop cuz I have no control

I have no control

However, todays lesson is a little bit different. Right now I have the feeling of having absolutely no control over my life, and for the first time ever it feels good. I'm not grabbing to retain some little piece of control over my life. For once I'm not fearing the unknown future that I will be led into.

Instead, this lack of a plan has left room for God to come and do amazing things. I feel as though this has been the semester of uncertainty and miracles.

No Control by BFMV, Here we go Again by Paramore, Scream Aim Fire by BFMV, and F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X. by The Fall of Troy