Tuesday, April 22, 2008

And finally, the awesome / craziness that was Taste of Chaos

So after getting to the Long Beach Arena, I got settled in. I came about 150 miles to see my two favorite bands. The opening acts went pretty much like any other shows. They weren't bad, but they weren't good either. However, as soon as Bullet for my Valentine started playing, everybody tried to bum rush the barrier. I was probably at around the 4th row of people. Their set was absolutely amazing and I made it into 2 out of the 4 circle pits that formed. They played a great show, extremely energetic.
I had to take a little bit of a breather/drink break between sets since i was so wiped out. Atreyu rocked the arena and early in the set i surfed the crowd up to the front of the crowd. They started off the set with "right side of the bed" and ended with "lip gloss and black." It ruled!
Avenged Sevenfold taped their set for their live DVD so they pulled out all the stops. The show included flamethrowers, fireworks, and two projection screens. So something kinda weird happened during A7X's set as well. So I had kinda made some friendly conversation with an attractive woman before A7X started playing, as I often make small talk with random people when I go to shows alone. Once the band started getting into the music, a pit opened up right to the left of me so I faced it in order to brace myself against the incoming mob. As I did so, about a minute into it, the girl that I was talking to put her arms around my waist and kinda held onto me from behind. At first I thought it was for safety, but then she continued. I was caught so off guard that I didn't know how to react, so I didn't really react at all. This went on for most of the set with her hands either around my waist or on my arms, all the time me being fairly confused. However, it wasn't really that weird for some reason. she was a normal cool girl. the show ended and we went our separate ways.

I know, weird. I told you!


perkyNbLue said...

Why am I under relevant/funny links?

Timothy Vincent Dombrowski said...

because you are relevant!

JENNY said...

big bro....i dont want to hear this type of stuff! you should have warned me this would be PG-13..

Timothy Vincent Dombrowski said...

There's nothing PG-13 about it.