Saturday, December 29, 2007

part 2

Lead Sails (and a Paper Anchor) by Atreyu, Spit You Out by Bullet For My Valentine*, Red Sam by Flyleaf*, Everyone Looks So Good From Here by UNDERØATH

I realized I said photos fortcoming but they never came

so here they are!

Have we been here before?

Have we been here before?
Will we be here again?
I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Anyone who has similar tastes in music as I do may recognize these lyrics, they belong to the song Faint Resemblance by Rise Against. They bring up a good point. Doesn't life just seem like it's completely cyclical (?) at times? I mean, just look at how school is set up, semesters, school years, promotions to higher schools. All of these provide periods of repitition. This year seems pretty much the same as last year, college seems pretty much the same as high school and middle school except a little more freedom. This same old same old is driving me nuts cuz I hate ruts. I wish something would happen to drive me out of this rut. I really don't care what it is, as long as it stops the numbing mindless repetition!!!

Sorry for ranting,

Faint Resemblance by Rise Against, Fully Alive (both regular and acoustic) by Flyleaf, Chamber the Cartridge by Rise Against*, The Poison by Bullet for my Valentine*, Becoming the Bull by Atreyu*, Salmarnir by UNDERØATH, But Tonight we Dance by Rise Against*, Tip the Scales by Rise Against*

A note for the future

Since it often influences the tone of my writing, from now on, I will be writing the songs that I was listening to while I was writing that particular post at the bottom. Check them out, I'll even put an asterisk next to it if it's one of my favorites.

Rock on,

Giving Up Hurts the Most by UNDERØATH, There For You by Flyleaf, Epic (covered by Atreyu)*

Friday, December 28, 2007

Turtle reconnects with another old friend

So I went to Target the day after Christmas to buy the CD One-X by Three Days Grace (What a freaking dissapointment that was(not getting it, not that it sucked)). As I walked up to the entrance, I heard my name being called. Sure enough, I turned around and there was Luc Ruiz, a good friend of mine from middle school and high school who was also on my wrestling team from freshman to sophomore year. we had fallen out of contact so i was really glad to see him. Turns out he lives in orange county now and goes to community college there where he also plays football. However, comes back here about every other week, so i cant wait to hang out and catch up!

Let's Start a Riot!!!

well what the heck is Tim thinking. He must've gone nuts, right? Well here are the reasons that this post is titled what it is:
1. I was listening to Riot by Three Days Grace when I started writing this post.

2. I'm really bored. Although extremely destructive and dangerous, would also be extremely exciting. P.S. there have been at least 2 formations of fighter jets flying suspiciously low and close to the house in the last week, which is both bewildering and exciting.

3. April 29, 1992 is my favorite Sublime song

4. I actually am kind of nuts! I mean come on, I'm writing a blog about my many personalities

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What I'm listening to right now

music is an important part of my life, so i figured id let you in on some of my tastes.
here's a list of the CD's I'm listening to:

Artist: Flyleaf
My Favorite Tracks: I'm So Sick, Cassie (both the regular and acoustic versions), All Around Me, Red Sam, and Breathe Today

Lead Sail Paper Anchor
Artist: Atreyu
My Favorite Tracks: Doomsday, Falling Down, Becoming the Bull, Can't Happen Here, and Blow

Siren Song of the Counter Culture
Artist: Rise Against
My Favorite Tracks: State of the Union, To Them These Streets Belong, Tip the Scales, and Swing Life Away

The Poison
Artist: Bullet for my Valentine
My Favorite Tracks: Tears Don't Fall, All These Things I Hate (Revolve Around Me), Her Voice Resides, Cries in Vain, and Spit You Out

Other Random Songs I'm listening to
Scream Aim Fire! by Bullet for my Valentine, Just Another Star By BFMV, Hand of Blood by BFMV, ...Not Forever by Tsunami Bomb, and My Curse by Killswitch Engage

Monday, December 24, 2007


so a couple of blogs ago I said that I "get pretty hurt when people try to make a fool out of me." Let's attempt to examine why. (caution! i have no idea where this is gonna go!). well let's look into my past a bit. Growing up I didn't have very many friends, and the few friends that i did have weren't very good friends. Whenever I had to rely on people, or opened up to people, they would either not come through for me, take advantage of me, or betray my trust. So gradually I found it easier to withdraw from people, not rely on or allow anyone to help me, and didnt let anyone know the real me. After I rededicated my life to Jesus Christ, I found that i couldn't go on that way shutting people out. I gradually started letting people in, starting with my closest friends. The first people i really opened up to were my pledge bros. Its still hard for me to open up, so when people are malicious with my feelings, it hurts even more.

Well there it is,

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


here I lie awake in bed
all these thoughts running through my head
why wont my mind just shut up
so instead i just went downstairs to play with my pup
why is it so hard for me to go to sleep
the longer I stay up, the more my thoughts become deep
instead of going to sleep, I need to pass out,
and wonder why my body is jostled about,
I know, its a pretty lame poem, but give me a break, I wrote it at 4 AM.

Monday, December 17, 2007

hmmm...? part II

so im a pretty gullible guy, and get pretty hurt when people try to make a fool out of me so if somebody is yanking my chain I would appreciate if you would come clean now. That being said, the tarps were up for initiation, which still is't over but I'm on break now. If this is a legitimate person, I hope that this post hasn't scared you off at all. drop me a hint or something so that I can retain a small part of my sanity, Please.

So I've realized...

That I really like a compartmentalization of my personas. I have a Nasa persona. I used to be called Nasa by AGO men, ADX girls, a few G phi B girls, and anybody I meet through AGO or at the house. I now don't like to be called Nasa by anyone other than AGO brothers of mine. I realize that ADX most likely will not agree to call me Tim, but If they really did care about me they would! I realized also that I like when my old wrestling buddies call me Turtle. I absolutely hate when other people call me Turtle, including my AGO bros.
P.S. Rocko wants to type something.
dxvezcvbjufrgxcrfewSABG GFRTFEA5ty7554et5r4ftsq7ujyx


Cool, I have a "secret admirer!" or so my last blog comment says. Either way, I don't know who it is. but at the same time im kinda bummed cuz i wont be able to let it go until I figure out who it is. so I've deduced that It's an ADX girl cuz the only other people that call me nasa are my AGO brothers and they would have just told me to write more. I don't think that it's pebble beach cuz she already told me to write more, and I don't think its matrix cuz she has already posted with her name on it. If the person I'm talking about has any concern for my sanity, please let me know if im on the right track? P.S. I plead ignorance. I'm pretty oblivious when it comes to these things

Sunday, December 9, 2007

AGO banquet

AGO banquet was pretty rad, I showed up looking spiffy, of course. My date, Alexa, showed up looking even more spectacular than she does on a normal basis, in her white / multicolored dress. The two of us pretty much tore up the swingset so that by the time we got off, it was smoking. The chicken was absolutely amazing, but maybe you shouldn't take my word for it since I won the Suicidal Soufle award for worst meal of the semester. Shox came up big again when it came to the video, amazing. photos forthcoming.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Nasa wins

So I won our game of AGO-ADX bounty hunter today, which is pretty cool cuz now I get a gift card for best buy, so now I can buy a CD or something guilt free. I still have about 2 1/2 pages left on the report I was telling you about yesterday, but I dont have anything to do tonight other than devos and nothing tomorrow until my 330 class. Ill try to get most of it done now though.

Going to write my paper now,

Monday, December 3, 2007

Day of confusion

so last night Nasa was paid a visit by a few people, which ended up changing my image of certain people, substantially. I'm not going to go into too much detail about that. However, Tim's writing a paper on the obliteration of the hint of religion from public institutions and premises. I don't understand how this was allowed to happen. from my point of view, its clearly unconstitutional. Well anyways, Tim and Nasa are super excited for banquet (I have the best banquet date ever). and Tim wants it to be friday already so that I can see Atreyu and Avenged Sevenfold live!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

I see a red door and I want it painted black

A message from all of me:

There is a reason that this blog has a black background. Black is a theme throughout my life, but it's not as dark or depressing as it seems. To me, black is a serene and peaceful. My room is red and black, and represents the duality of my behavior. The red evokes thoughts of fervent motion, passion, and an impression that if you feel something that it is visible to others. It's trimmed in black, however, much like my life and persona. The black represents an opposing sense of mystery, tranquility, and quite honestly a bit intimidating. It's interesting that these are also my college's colors.
ponder that,
All of us

Turtle reconnects with an old friend

Today I got to see my best friend from early high school. I haven't seen him in over 3 years. We wrestled together in high school until he moved to Napa sophomore year. I was kinda nervous about meeting him again cuz when we were buddies was the time in my life that I wasn't neccessarily doing what was healthy or what I should be, or was legal for that matter. But I was happy to discover that we had both mellowed out and that we were both in a good place in our lives.

More to come,

Nasa the goofball poet

So one of my best friends in Alpha Delta Chi, our Christian sister sorority, Miata and I were talking on the phone the day before our open mic night (but Tim, you say, don't you hate talking on the phone? why yes I do, to most people.) and as we were joking around, she said that I was going to write a "Miata is great" poem with no intention of me doing so, and I said "of course I am" having absolutely no intention of doing so. But I woke up the next morning and said "why not? it'll be fun, funny, and I don't really ever get embarassed. So here it is:
Im about to unwrap the enigma,
That’s been surrounding this girl from the pledge class called sigma,
If anybody doesn’t know my friend Miata,
Introduce yourself, trust me my friend, you wanna, you gotta
Miata to some, Esther to others,
I'm just glad I get to call myself her brother,
A woman who’s actively seeking after God,
She took off her mirror and called it a mod,
She’s a great girl, now let's give her a hand,
Besides, she’s the only Asian car I can stand,

Tim the mediocre poet

here's the second one:
Broken Still (with acceptance)
You can call this part 2, you can call this the sequel,
For the love of our God there is absolutely no equal,
So here I am in college, and I’m stuck,
Somebody should have told me how much physics and calculus suck,
Three papers due tomorrow and four due today,
I’ve got six midterms next week much to my dismay,
With all of this stress im about to collapse,
Why cant it be kindergarten when we can take naps,
Im failing two classes, what will my parents think,
Stress like this has driven stronger men than me to drink,
But wait, what happened to that feeling that puts me at peace,
That feeling that my life just got a new lease,
Wait a second, I think I know, hold the phone,
Oh, that’s right, I’ve been bearing all these burdens alone,
Jesus died to carry my burden for me,
For the good of mankind is why He died so compassionately,
Jesus is alive inside of my heart,
So He’s not hard to get a hold of, of me He’s a part,
I gave Him my burdens which he wants to carry,
Now im at peace, nothing seems too scary,
if life seems like its getting way too hard to deal with, then give up control
Give it to God, He’s the one that saved your soul

Timothy the mediocre (at best) poet

So we recently had an open mic night at my fraternity house so I figured I'd share what I read with you. All three of these were written within 4 hours of when they were read. here's the first one:
Broken Man
I came into this world a newborn lad,
Not a worry, nothing to make me feel sad,
But then life continued, and life got rough,
Nobody lemme know that this life thing was gonna be tough,
I felt broken inside, nowhere did I feel I belonged,
I knew something was missing in my life, something was wrong,
But surely, I said, I couldn’t be God that I need,
For I had been Christian my whole life, indeed,
Then god spoke to me as I had never cared to listen before,
He said, you say you are Christian, but are you really?, isn’t there more?,
After searching my soul, He showed me what was missing, He showed me what it was all about,
Although I considered myself Christian, went to church and believed in Him, without a doubt,
Right then and right there He gave me the key,
It was a knowledge and a relationship with Him that was what would save me
I’m still just as broken as I used to be,
But now He is the glue that can fix me,
He is our savior, who died on a cross for all our sins
And all that he asks is to love and to know one another and Him.
His blood was shed for all mankind,
To save our broken souls, both yours, and mine

let's get this party started

For those of you that don't know me, I'm Timothy Vincent Dombrowski... or is it Tim... or is it Timmy... or is it "Nasa"... or is it "Turtle." Come to think of it, I don't even know exactly who I am. There are a few things that I do know about myself however. I am a man that strives to be a disciple of God. I'm a bad poet, but hey I try. I'm not an artist, heck I barely got a C in high school beginning art. But then again I got a C in gym and consider myself an athlete since I wrestled for 8 years and won league two years in a row. Right now I'm wearing a black t-shirt with a skull and two pistols on it which several girls have told me "scares them" but on top of that I'm wearing an ugly Christmas sweater that is about as intimidating as Mr. Rogers hugging a care bear! but perhaps the most important and bewildering contradiction is that I have many different faces, but I am an extremely straightforward person. If you figure that one out, let me know.