Sunday, December 2, 2007

Tim the mediocre poet

here's the second one:
Broken Still (with acceptance)
You can call this part 2, you can call this the sequel,
For the love of our God there is absolutely no equal,
So here I am in college, and I’m stuck,
Somebody should have told me how much physics and calculus suck,
Three papers due tomorrow and four due today,
I’ve got six midterms next week much to my dismay,
With all of this stress im about to collapse,
Why cant it be kindergarten when we can take naps,
Im failing two classes, what will my parents think,
Stress like this has driven stronger men than me to drink,
But wait, what happened to that feeling that puts me at peace,
That feeling that my life just got a new lease,
Wait a second, I think I know, hold the phone,
Oh, that’s right, I’ve been bearing all these burdens alone,
Jesus died to carry my burden for me,
For the good of mankind is why He died so compassionately,
Jesus is alive inside of my heart,
So He’s not hard to get a hold of, of me He’s a part,
I gave Him my burdens which he wants to carry,
Now im at peace, nothing seems too scary,
if life seems like its getting way too hard to deal with, then give up control
Give it to God, He’s the one that saved your soul

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