Sunday, December 2, 2007

Timothy the mediocre (at best) poet

So we recently had an open mic night at my fraternity house so I figured I'd share what I read with you. All three of these were written within 4 hours of when they were read. here's the first one:
Broken Man
I came into this world a newborn lad,
Not a worry, nothing to make me feel sad,
But then life continued, and life got rough,
Nobody lemme know that this life thing was gonna be tough,
I felt broken inside, nowhere did I feel I belonged,
I knew something was missing in my life, something was wrong,
But surely, I said, I couldn’t be God that I need,
For I had been Christian my whole life, indeed,
Then god spoke to me as I had never cared to listen before,
He said, you say you are Christian, but are you really?, isn’t there more?,
After searching my soul, He showed me what was missing, He showed me what it was all about,
Although I considered myself Christian, went to church and believed in Him, without a doubt,
Right then and right there He gave me the key,
It was a knowledge and a relationship with Him that was what would save me
I’m still just as broken as I used to be,
But now He is the glue that can fix me,
He is our savior, who died on a cross for all our sins
And all that he asks is to love and to know one another and Him.
His blood was shed for all mankind,
To save our broken souls, both yours, and mine


Anonymous said...

so did you just read these or did you also write them?

Timothy Vincent Dombrowski said...

I wrote all of them.